Search results for tag "News" - 10 answer(s)

108 Vote

“The Exercise of Attention-Dialogue”: a pillar of the process of spiritual perfection in a lab


After “Exploring our real self”, OstadElahi-inPractice now carries on with its series dedicated to the study and in-depth practical approach of the Fundamentals of the Process of Spiritual Perfection: A Practical Guide in a new lab tackling “The exercise of attention-dialogue”. Bahram Elahi already referred to this exercise in La Voie de la Perfection as “one of the pillars of the process of spiritual perfection”. In the Practical Guide it is the subject of a special chapter that can be considered a reference for both theory and practice. This chapter presents numerous “recommendations for a good practice”, providing students of the “new medicine of the soul” with many guidelines resulting from years of research and in-depth experimentation.

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90 Vote

The art of Ostad Elahi: full-length version


The latest in the activities organized these past years around the exhibition of Ostad Elahi’s instruments at the New York Metropolitan Museum now include the full-length version of the film The Art of Ostad Elahi, featured on, Ostad Elahi’s official website.

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101 Vote

“Exploring our real self”: a new lab on Ostadelahi-inPractice

Exploring our real self lab illustration

After “One character weak point after another – delving within our unconscious psyche”, elaborated from an extract of The Path of Perfection, OstadElahi inPractice, filled with enthusiasm for the recent publication in English of the Fundamentals of Spiritual Perfection: A Practical Guide, is now launching a series of labs dedicated to the study and in-depth practical approach of this book by Bahram Elahi.

The first lab of this series opens with the words that introduce the book and that perfectly illustrate, in both form and substance, the scientific approach of a manual of medicine.

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129 Vote

A handbook for students of the new medicine of the soul

Fundamentals of the Process of Spiritual Perfection: A Practical Guide - book cover

[Updated] “This path, Ostad Elahi would say, is not a path for words but one for deeds; only through action can progress be achieved.” But how are we going to take action? Where to begin? With what mindset should we set to work? The foundations of natural spirituality have been laid—a spirituality that Ostad Elahi described as “the new medicine of the soul”. They called for a practical complement, something like a student’s workbook. This need has now been fulfilled with the publication of this Practical Guide, which the author, Bahram Elahi, tells us will be followed by a forthcoming series of four additional volumes. Together, these five volumes will constitute the Fundamentals of the Process of Spiritual Perfection. The Practical Guide indisputably constitutes its core. Punctuated by inserts and diagrams, it has been designed as a handbook, and it is as such that we can make the most of it: the Practical Guide is the reference work for those who wish to study and practice the new medicine of the soul.

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179 Vote

At the Met, the tanbur is back

Showcase of Ostad Elahi's instruments at the MET

The tanbur is back… A few months ago, in 2018, a couple of steps away from the oldest piano in the world, a showcase was inaugurated in the department of musical instruments at the Met (Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York). Dedicated to a few “famous musicians” of the 20th century, it featured a Benny Goodman clarinet next to a guitar that belonged to Andrés Segovia as well as one of Ostad Elahi’s tanburs, crafted by the lute maker Nariman, along with a video including explanations and archived images that harked back to the 2014-2015 Sacred Lute exhibit, that we covered here.

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141 Vote

“One character weak point after another”: a new lab on OstadElahi-inPractice

one character weak point after another

After two “28 days straight” labs (In Ostad Elahi’s footsteps and One day, one Maxim) OstadElahi inPractice has gone back at the request of numerous users, to its classic 5-phase labs.

The website will soon offer a new lab entitled “One character weak point after another – delving within our unconscious psyche”. As this title suggests, the objective is self-knowledge. Users will be invited to follow a protocol—as is appropriate for students in the medicine of the soul—that will allow them to progressively diagnose their character weak points.

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200 Vote

“In Ostad Elahi’s footsteps” – 28 days straight on OstadElahi inPractice

OstadElahi-inPractice - Words of Truth

After the success of the “One day, one Maxim – 28 days straight” lab, which was based on the volume entitled 100 Maxims of Guidance, OstadElahi-inPractice is about to launch a new lab that will follow the same dynamic and intensive format. This time, each day of the 28-day period will be devoted to meditating upon and putting into practice one of the sayings selected from Words of Truth (draft of the forthcoming English translation of Ostad Elahi’s oral teachings originally presented in the Persian book Bargozideh).

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206 Vote

The new and improved e-OstadElahi mobile app is here!

By - Sep 17, 2016 - Category Articles
announcement app update - e-OstadElahi

One year after its release, e-OstadElahi has revamped its mobile app to provide a more pleasant browsing experience and new features.
What’s new? A lighter and more refined design, with improved visuals, makes browsing and reading easier and more comfortable.
A more comprehensive menu makes it easier to access all the available posts. You already had the option to navigate through the site by selecting a tag or a category. You may now also access, directly from the menu, all our news articles, all the pools, as well as all the articles containing videos.

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283 Vote

New features on OstadElahi inPractice

By - Jun 30, 2016 - Category Articles
Logo OstadElahi inPractice

OstadElahi inPractice just released some new features aimed at enriching its users’ experience, in particular with regard to the “One day, one Maxim – 28 days straight” lab. Shared exercises As promised when the lab was launched, a few of the numerous exercises shared by users over the past few months now appear below each maxim, providing a useful resource to all those looking for inspiration when defining their personal exercise.

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282 Vote

“One day, one Maxim – 28 days straight”: new 100% action lab on OstadElahi inPractice

OstadElahi inPractice - One day one maxim lab

In reference to his approach to the path of spiritual perfection, Ostad Elahi once said “This is not a path of words, but of deeds; only through action can progress be achieved”. This idea lead to the creation over a year ago of the website OstadElahi inPractice. It has now inspired the design of a “100% action express lab” entitled “One day, one Maxim – 28 days straight”. This new lab, based on a volume entitled 100 Maxims of Guidance first published in 1995 on the occasion of Ostad Elahi’s centennial, will be launched in the next few days on OstadElahi inPractice.

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